Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More strong opinions about trivial things...

*Off The Wall was better than Thriller.

*I don't like Rick Dees.

*I cannot stand the misuse of the apostrophe.

*Sometimes Angel was better than Buffy.

*Although I like the idea of writing with an ol d-fashioned wood pencil, I must admit that I prefer mechanical pencils over wood. Also, 0.5 mm pencil lead is a must.

*Peanut M&Ms are the best.

*If Coca-Cola marketed a less sweet version (not diet, just low sugar), I would buy that product.

*In order of awesomeness, the Star Trek movies may be ranked as follows:
1. Star Trek 2 (Wrath of Khan)
2. Star Trek 8 (First Contact)
3. Star Trek 6 (Undiscovered Country)
4. Star Trek 4 (Let's All Save Some Whales)
5. Star Trek 3 (Spock Goes Through Puberty)
6. Star Trek 7 (Yawn. Oh, We Crashed The Ship. Yawn)
7. Star Trek 1 (Alternative Cure For Insomnia)
8. Star Trek 9 (Insurrection? Did I See That One? Then Why Don't I Remember It?)
9. Star Trek 10 (Lame Lame Lame Lame-Ass, But At Least No Songs Around A Campfire)
10. Star Trek 5 (Oh Ah Must Look Away Eyes Burning)


RachieK said...

I'm surprised Star Trek 4 listed as #4 on your list. Most hard core Trekkies list that one close to last. Something about damn Greenpeace crap having no place in a Science Fiction movie. It's actually pretty high on my list, too. If only for gems like "nuclear wessle" and "Double dumb ass on you". You just can't beat writing like that.

Chauntelle said...

Star Trek IV: Hey, Whales Are Pretty Awesome is a funny movie, and I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I don't think it's all that great as a Star Trek movie. However, I do like that the president of the Federation is played by the same guy that portrayed Eric Foreman's dad on That 70's Show About Smoking Doobies .

Chauntelle said...

By the way, this is Patrick, using Chauntelle's compooter.

Chauntelle said...

I'm glad that Patrick clarified that Star Trek stuff, because for a second I was very impressed with my knowledge of Star Trek trivia. Then I became very, very scared.