Monday, July 2, 2007

The end, the beginning, and a bunch of other stuff-

'The End' means that I am no longer working at Volvo, no longer traveling to Asheville daily, no longer traveling for IDG at all except for a few miles in the morning, a few more at lunch time, and pinch more at 5 PM. If I gas up my family truckster today (July 4), I shan't need a refill until this time next month at the earliest. "The End' means that I am done with the out-of-town shuffle.

'The Beginning' means that I am home now, finally, and for good. Now we can start some stuff. Now I can rub my hands together very vigorously and get down to brass tacks, whatever that means. In essence, I have been working and traveling for 2 years to reach a place where I can start to move from having a JOB to having a CAREER. 'The Beginning' means that I can start trying to have a complete life.

'A Bunch Of Other Stuff'- So, do I mean that I don't think I have a complete life right now? Am I not thankful for my smart, beautiful, patient, loving wife? Or for my handsome, clever, funny, miraculous son? Or for the countless other gifts with which I have been blessed? Absolutely. I am very thankful for my blessings, none of which I particularly deserve. But, full though my life may be, I'm not sure that it is complete. I haven't done many of the things in my life that I'd like to do. The truth is that in my adult life, I've never really pushed myself or worked hard for any purpose. By virtue of my having met and married Chauntelle, my life is full in a way that I could never have imagined. But I have never proven to myself that I can be more than just some guy that some great things happened to.

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