Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas.

I've been trying to remember some of the favorite Christmas gifts from my childhood. I am old, and my memory fails me sometimes, but here are a few that I can recall:

*Starbird electronic spaceship.

*Dark Tower electronic boardgame.

*Coleco Pac-Man game.

*Split Second electronic game (yes, I was born at the dawn of the digital era).

*Kenner Millenium Falcon (surely you don't need a link for this one).

*Blue bicycle with black banana seat (I think I got this the same year as the Falcon. Good year for Chirstmas presents).

*Blow-up "Joe Cool" Snoopy punching bag.

*Commodore 64 with floppy disc drive (pirated games not included).

*TI-99 (with Tombstone City & Munch Man)

*Sanyo personal stereo.

*Gotcha guns (sucked- never worked properly. Paintball guns for kids- seemed like such a good idea).

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