Friday, June 27, 2008


I have a goal (or, at least, I think I have one), and I have a plan for reaching that goal. Sometimes, though, I worry that the plan is taking too long, that I'm not making enough progress, that I will never reach my goal. Now, for some reason, when that wave of worry and fear overtakes me, I start to blame my surroundings for my perceived failure to advance. And when I start to blame my surroundings, I start to shop for new surroundings.

Ask Chauntelle. She'll tell you that every weekday lunchtime brings a new barrage of facts and details about far-away (and not so far-away) places. I'll come home for my mid-day meal and begin peppering my good lady wife with moderately interesting factoids about destinations unfamiliar (Omaha, Louisville, Madison, Minneapolis), as well as destinations rather more familiar (Chattanooga, Clarksville, Kingsport, Asheville, Boone, and, er, Knoxville). 

We should move here, she'll hear me say. Look at the zoo they have there. That city has a large Greek community; think of the restaurants! And, hey, they have a roller coaster!

And then Chauntelle will respond as so: But, we really love Greenville. Why do you want to leave Greenville? What's wrong with Greenville?

And the answer is: I don't really want to leave Greenville. Greenville is great. My odds for personal success will not be improved by a move- in fact, an ill-considered relocation might have a negative effect on my career plan.

Plus, let's all say it again- Greenville is great. How is it great? Well, maybe it would help to delineate (de-LIN-e-ate- that's for you, Chauntelle) its many categories of greatness:

+Okay, well Main Street is beautiful, vibrant, and prosperous. The Falls park is amazing. The West End is growing and thriving. In short, Downtown Greenville is a wonderful asset to the area and almost reason enough to move to the Upstate.

+As far as dining is concerned, Greenville is well appointed with restaurants representing every possible cuisine, and certainly has a more varied selection of eateries than many other metro-areas of similar size (Knoxville, Chattanooga). Let's put it this way- we've been in Greenville for 3 years and yet have eaten at chain casual restaurants maybe 5 or 6 times in those 3 years. Greenville has so many great local places that it seems shameful to patronize a chain restaurant, even a good one.

+So many grocery stores. Local mom-&-pop joints. Asian markets. Mexican mercados. Solid mid-range chains like Bi-Lo and Ingles. Slightly more tony grocers like Publix (good meat). Gourmet/upscale stores like Earth Fare, Whole Foods, Fresh Market, and (a local chain) Garner's. Plus the big 3 warehouse chains. Oh, and Aldi. Aldi Aldi Aldi.

+Location. 2 hours from Atlanta. 1.5 hours from, Charlotte. 3.5 hours from Charleston, the beach, maybe a little more to Savannah (and the beach). 3.5 hours to Knox Vegas (the Couch). Roller coasters in 3 directions. Mountains nearby. 4.5 hours to Cheraw (just kidding).

+I sort of feel like my job opportunities are a bit limited currently, but it seems that, compared to other places, job opportunities are pretty abundant here.

+The city is relatively diverse, and seems to welcome and appreciate its diversity (for the most part). Lots of different kinds of folks live here, and the city is the better for it. I will say that on Main Street you have an excellent chance of hearing French, or German, or Arabic spoken; and of seeing folks from every conceivable cultural, religious, socio-economic background and/or sexual orientation. Again, I think that's good.

+Home prices are still pretty reasonable, despite the increased growth in the region.

+The local schools are among the best in the state. Of course, SC is supposed to have some of the worst public schools in the nation...

+Several good hospitals.

+Several colleges in the area, including a large private college, a large campus of the state college, and an excellent technical college.

+A great library (and library system), a science/nature center (with planetarium), and a soon-to-open children's museum are all in the area, along with a children's theater. Oh, and a symphony orchestra. And the state art school is downtown. All good stuff for our little guy.

I'm sure I can think of some other reasons to never leave, but for now, it's just good to remind myself that Greenville is where people want to move to, not from. And to remember that the problems that trouble me the most will always travel with me wherever I go. A new city won't change who I am- only I can do that.


Chauntelle said...

Brilliantly said, my good husband.

And, you forgot to mention the most important thing about Greenville. I'll give you a hint. Two Words. Brand-new, somewhat updated, entrance. One of the best religious art collections in the WORLD. That's right, boys & girls--BOB JONES!!!!

Seriously, though, I would like to see their art collection. Yes, I know I'll probably be going alone and I'm okay with that. In fact, it would probably be best, because if I went with Patrick, as soon as one of the Jonesites came up to me to ask me about my eternal soul, he'd slowly slink away to leave me for dead. But at least I'd be saved, so there's that comfort.

RachieK said...

Plus moving to Greenville is one of my not so long term goals!! I can't move there if you aren't there. If you take my nephew to Wisconsin or Michigan, I'll beat you up!

Sis, I'll totally go to The Jones to look at the art collection. I love art, plus I would really have a lot of fun messing with the Jonesites. Cleavage!!!!