Sunday, May 11, 2008

One more, and then I need to go to bed...

No, I did not draw Pablo- I scanned a wall cling and manipulated it, and I added the other elements myself...this is a t-shirt for Noah...


RachieK said...

That's awesome!!! I might just want one for myself. I can be representin' the Pablo for my #1 boy, Noah!

Chauntelle said...

I can just see it now. We're ALL wearing Pablo t-shirts, then get sued by Nickelodeon for copyright infringement. I'd still wear a t-shirt, though.

Hey, I know--we can all wear them to Kala's wedding, sort of like the t-shirts you see of family reunions. I think that would be KLASSY.

RachieK said...

Wow! Classy with a "K"! How can Kala resist?